About Us

The name Sudara blu means humility, beauty, abundance, loving, serving, compassion, understanding, patience, personal journey, accountability, true intention, conscious choice, and grace. The word Sudara is Sanskrit for beautiful. The word blu in numerology equals the number 8. Eight is the number of Karma, with it’s main attributes being of, “giving and receiving.” It is also known for abundance, a beautiful reminder that what we put out in the world, always comes back to us.

Dr. Emoto’s theory of the water crystals has impressed upon us to radiate positive and encouraging vibrations in our interactions where ever we go. It is important for all of us to be accountable for what we put in and on our bodies and hence, project out into the world. Sudara blu’s women’s clothing, accessories, and home and living items have original one of a kind artwork that reminds us of our true purpose and integrity to our truth in this lifetime.

Sudara blu invites women to share beautiful abundance as we, women project it out into the universe with the apparel we put onto our bodies!

Sudara blu honors women expressing their life work through their true artistic expression and intention. Our t-shirts, tank tops, activewear, hoodies, sweatshirts, accessories, and home and living items are perfect for everyday use and presents for loved ones. 

Please make sure to Stay Connected by clicking on the picture underneath  “Stay Connected!” on the bottom of any page on the Sudara blu website for new product releases!!!

The Sudara blu “What’s New!” subscription link on the bottom of each page of the site will keep you updated with artwork inspirations for designs and sales!!!

Sudara blu is so excited to connect with you! Sudara blu is a cozy and inspirational women’s clothing, accessory and home and living line designed with soft, functional and durable fabrics and designs so that you can be comfortable as you bless others with your lifework throughout your days! If there is an image and you do not see it on the apparel you prefer, please feel free to request it and we will do our best to accommodate you.