

Born and raised in Northern California, Christina has made it her life work to be of service through accountability and contribution in her many communities. Christina understands people, their businesses, organizations and their needs. She connects all through humanistic marketing as she creates an awareness of  needs presented to her and her many platforms. She believes a community has the conscious choice to contribute or find avenues that can when presented with adversity or challenges.

Professionally, Chistina owns a public relations and marketing company, Little Wing Connections which works with community conscious businesses, organizations and individuals holding themselves accountable for the growth in their communities. In addition, Christina serves on the Vacaville Community Services Commission appointed by the mayor, is acting President of the Optimist club of Solano County,  sits on the board for Solano Partnership Against Violance and Vanden High School’s Site Council. Christina volunteers her time to Solano County Office of Education and Virtual Enterprises International high school programs and facilitates a monthly business contribution luncheon based on accountability and contribution, keeping local business owners informed of any and all community needs.  Christina has highly endorsed her local Chambers of Commerce’s throughout the years by serving as an Ambassador for the chambers that she has been a member of and in the 2013-2014 term, she was awarded the KI Jones Award by the Fairfield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce.

Christina is the author of How Far Will I Run, A Memoir which focuses on how she has made a conscious choice to be an asset to society despite her childhood traumas. Her passion for running is in alignment for how she lives her life in a day to day environment. Creating a space to always go a little bit farther, accomplishing feats that were once thought to be unattainable, she appears to continually train for life’s marathon. Her book is her journey as a committed student of compassion and growth, who loves and serves to the best of her ability.

In 2014, Christina became a Facilitator for the Darkness to Light Stewards of Children Training on a quest to bring child sexual abuse prevention training’s to her community. Christina works with local non-profits, organizations, religious affiliations and legislation to deter predators from harming today’s youth.

In 2015, Christina collaborated with other life-empowering survivors, who choose to break the cycle of childhood abuse and contributed to the book, Trigger Points: Abuse Survivors Experiences of Parenting.
In 2016, Christina was awarded Congressman John Garamendi’s 2016 Women of the Year award which honors outstanding women of the Third Congressional District who have improved the quality of life in our district for her efforts in her lifework and volunteerism.

Christina loves Sudara blu and believes in it’s mission to wear positivity throughout our daily lives!