
How Far Will I Run

When I decided to write my book, How Far Will I Run.

I felt the need share my story for all those who live off their stories as a means to take advantage of or use as an excuse to live at the BARE MINIMUM of life.

The Narration of my story is told in hopes to raise the bar of accountability and contribution in each individual’s community.

My book’s title, How Far Will I Run is an anthem for fetes we accomplish, when once we thought were impossible.

As an author of my Memoir, I seek to shed light on the conscious choices we make in life on a daily basis. As a Survivor, I have written my experiences down to share with the world in hopes to spread an awareness of a great need that is among our youth today. I choose to advocate empowerment over enablement. I choose to educate and encourage others to see the greatness in themselves and all that is given to them. Living in gratitude and appreciation sets a standard in all of us to lift up and see the brighter side of EVERYTHING which is presented to us.

Carl Jung said, “I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.”

With each new day, I wake up with a clean slate How Far Will I Run with each new dawn and surprising myself each night as I lay my head down to the fetes I have accomplished in my passing day.

Wearing a How Far Will I Run shirt is one’s proclamation fetes accomplished each day!