
We Got This

Last year I went through a Cancer scare and came out of it as an isolated case, being tested for the rest of my life. It was extremely scary. It was beyond scary. So much that, I came to the conclusion that if God wanted me there was really nothing I could do about it. Really…. My husband Jesse, kept saying, “We Got This, We Got This,”. It was a mantra that we lived by and still do to this day. He encouraged me to focus on our blessings and to stay on our path to serve with loving kindness. He reminded me to continuously have faith in the bigger picture.

Sometimes we are not privy to the grand scheme of things. While we are here though, it would behoove us to make a contribution to society in some way. I choose to be an asset to the growth of mankind and not to live in petty non circumstantial drama that does not serve anyone. I work on boundaries of others as well as myself on an ongoing basis. I would hope to create a space for others to grow with grace and ease.

We Can Do This. We All Can Do This. One Day At A Time!!!! God Bless You All in whatever you are facing. Please know that faith will always pull us through.