
Coach Grace

Coach Grace coaches the “best youth swim team” in Northern California! She loves her kids and invests her energy in making sure they understand commitment and responsibility. Her kids see her as a great role model and love her from deep within their untarnished souls. They are her little guppies, tadpoles, minnows and sharks. Coach loves wearing her Sudara blu lotus hat and Urban Ohm tank, knowing that all of us vibe from the same pulse and have thrived through our murky waters to become the beautiful lotuses that we all are. Sudara blu is proud of Coach Grace for all of her accomplishments! We are happy that she chooses to wear our brand!!!!

“If heaven had a height, you would be that tall
Ghetto to coffee shop, through you I see that all
Let’s stick to understandin and we won’t fall
For better or worse times, I hope to me you call
So I pray everyday more than anything
friends will stay as we begin to lay
this foundation for a family – love ain’t simple
Why can’t it be anything worth having you work at annually
Granted we known each other for some time
It don’t take a whole day to recognize sunshine

There are times.. when you’ll need someone..
I will be by your side, oh darling
There is a light, that shines,
special for you, and me..” The Light, Common