
Subscribe to “What’s New” with Sudara blu

Hi everyone! Thank you for the great love and support for Sudara blu, clothing and handmade goods with true intention! Sudara blu is apparel and handmade goods that truly express our true purpose in this lifetime. Words, affirmations and images that lift us up to the highest version of ourselves. Sudara blu is a clothing line and handmade goods to be worn with intention and conviction, empowering all wearers to be the highest versions of themselves!!! Sudara blu seeks to shed light on the conscious choices we make in life on a daily basis.

Sudara blu loves handmade finds, like bags, bibs, artwork throughout the world! Sudara blu chooses to support and provide a platform for artisans who are living their lives in their highest intention of expression.

These individuals are holding themselves accountable and are contributing to the growth of their communities through their lifework by using their local goods and services in their designs. Sudara blu honors them for their initiative and insight to provide goods and services to their communities while expressing their life work through their true artistic expression and intention. These items are perfect for everyday use and presents for loved ones. Please help Sudara blu support these artists by purchasing and sharing their work.

Please make sure to subscribe to “What’s New” with Sudara blu on the bottom right side of any page on the Sudara blu website. Shoppers will learn what’s new and happening with Sudara blu, it’s wearers and their love for their new clothes and handmade finds. The Sudara blu “What’s New” page will be frequently updated with new locations and sites to find Sudara blu clothing, apparel and handmade finds to purchase with ease and grace! You will also get updates to new shopping carts, specials, deals, contests and more!

Be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms at: Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Linkedin.

Thank you again for your love and support for Sudara blu!

Christina Baird
(707) 738-9962