
Love and Serve

To be of service is the only way to live in Sudara blu’s eyes. Loving and serving goes hand in hand. A life filled with service is a fulfilled life. Those who can help and give to the world with un-attachment can reap the benefits of knowing they have left their imprint for the greater good for all of mankind.

We lead by example. We never know what child eyes are watching. The youth of today will live their lives from what they know and been taught.

Sudara blu embodies the the life of humility, love, grace and service. The person who wears Sudara blu has the intention to raise the vibration of life on this earth to a level of higher consciousness. Sudara blu’s tank tops, shirts and hats are soft, feel good clothing and apparel with true intention! The handmade goods sold on Sudara blu are made from those who choose the live their lives in the highest intention of contribution and accountability for the growth and well being of their communities.