
Pearls before Swine

Pearls before Swine resonates within Sudara blu in regards to the relationships, we are born into, we establish, grow with and maintain throughout our lives. Whether our relationships are intimate, family, professional, social, it is important to remember that we train others how to treat us. Each and every life is precious and it is important to honor ourselves as well as others. It is especially important to respect our boundaries so that others will learn by our example. When we treat ourselves poorly, people will do the same. Our children are our biggest spectators. It is important to demonstrate self respect and common courtesy for our next generations. Do not lesson your value for the benefit of others. Always remember, “Pearls before Swine.”

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” (Matthew 7:6)